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What's new in ArcGIS Workflow Manager

Available with Workflow Manager license.

The 11.3 release of ArcGIS Workflow Manager includes the following new features and enhanced functionality:


ArcGIS Arcade expressions

  • $newAssignee is a new Arcade variable that returns the username of the new user assigned to the job. This variable can only be used with email templates and the Assign Job automated action to automatically send email notifications when a step is reassigned.


  • All step templates can be configured with a link to a help resource to provide additional context or assistance to the user running the step.
  • The workflow diagram's Add Data Source dialog box has been enhanced to allow you to browse and search for hosted feature layers.
  • Shared searches and Shared charts support two, new searchable fields as part of an optional workflow item upgrade:
    • The current_step field allows you to search for jobs that have the specified step name as the job's current step.
    • The step_action_type field allows you to search for the step action associated with the step template.
  • The basemap set on the workflow item's Manage page is maintained during a working session.
  • Verify links before navigating to external pages with the URL Redirect dialog box.
  • Search results on the Work page refresh when clicking on the active search.
  • A job's status is maintained after the job is closed.

Step templates

  • The Job Properties drop-down menu is a new feature in the Update Job Properties and Update 1-M Job Properties steps that allows you to choose from a list of valid properties.
  • Configure parameter values with an Arcade expression using the Change Input Type drop-down menu in the Run GP Service step.
  • Reference a template ID with an Arcade expression using the Change Input Type drop-down menu in the Create Job step.

Functionality matrix

For an overview of features available with your version of Workflow Manager, review the ArcGIS Workflow Manager 11.3 Functionality Matrix.